Sunday, March 16, 2008

KL TA Gathering @ The Curve

Wow, is been about..6 months we didn't organize any gathering. I'm really sorry to all the KL TA, is my bad..But this gathering is not that fun anyway because, is fall on the most important day for all the Malaysian "Election Day" 8th March 2008 and is world "Women Day". Well, it is important but shh...i didn't register for voting :p OK let's share some nice picture here. First of all, lets show some face of people give support to the gathering. ok..i don mean those who not come didn't give support ok? Just that not give so much support.. :p Kidding laa..

Of course and my self..hehe..but huh...i taught we got 7 of us? oh ya..i forgot..David!!! Why are u late???!!!!

ok..gathering and having dinner..of course there will be food! yummy.. these is the food we order at Italiannies...

I have a great dinner there..but please..i really cannot finish this one!

this is my left-over..hehe...ok..i'm sorry..sorry to everybody out there with a empty stomac..i know i wasted the food :'(

Before After

of course i can't eat so much la! thanks for others help out... :) photo time!!

ok..overall i hope you all have a great night also..although there are sms and calls that keep on ringing says that there will be riot around KL area..and ask us to get back home early..but we still back home safely..rite?
here..i want to special thanks to my sponsors..Aaron Ho and Calvin Lam..thanks for the pictures!